The mother Huddle, and her DIY flip flops.
OMG are they cute!
To cute to pass up, and need to make your own? Go Here to see her step by step tutorial. She even has other diy flip flops as well!
Easter is just a hop around the corner, so after some Pinteresting, here is what I gathered to share:
Use double sided sticky dots! stick on and roll in glitter!
Little chicks using an egg carton and simple craft feathers.
Great kids craft! Decorate plastic cups into easter critters!
Carrot treats. Use pasttry bags and fill with gold fishes.
Love This! Hit up your feed store and get a chick water/feed lid. Attach it
to a glass jar and fill with candies!

Super cute centerpiece using those marshmellow bunnies!
Enjoy all these cute Easter themed ideas!
Thanks so much for sharing my flops! Made my day :)