February 9, 2012

DIY Thursday

We are going to try do DIY Thursday every week. It gives you a day or two to gather supplies and have a chance to get crafty on your weekends! YAY! But please bare with us, as life is crazy sometimes and we may faulter a little, and not get one every week! Eek!... So now onto the DIYing!..
We have had over a month now to get our New Years resolutions up and going. One on our list and probably many others.... GET ORGANIZED. So in honor of this resolution and thanks again to our BFF pinterest, here is a SUPPPEERR easy idea for organization,menu, or memo board to get our week planned out!
How cute is this?!
Want one?! Well heres how:
All you need is a picture collage with 7 photos slots, some super dooper cute scrapbook paper to fit your fancy, and some days of the week stickers, vinyl, or if you were blessed with nice handwriting, use a marker and write on the scrabook paper itself. Now, get an erasable marker, and you can write right on top the glass. Once the weeks done, wipe your slate clean and start all over! you could even hot glue cordinating ribbon on to the frame and tye it around your marker, so it never has the chance to get up and walkaway :) And like always, we LOVE to hear from you are see pics if you make one for yourself!

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